50 Posts Already!?

Yesterday I posted my 50th blog post. I know for many bloggers out there that is not a huge feat, but for me it is exciting! When I started Random Olio I did not know where I was going with it, but each day I have loved putting my random hodgepodge into the world of ideas over the Internet. When I started I know I would never have imagined writing 50 different blog posts. Yet, I have loved every moment of it. There have been times when I felt: “What is the point of this?” or “Why am I even taking the time to do it?” I would get discouraged, and then I would hear from a blog follower, or a friend that said: “Your blog made me think about this idea differently. Thank you for continuing to write.” Those little comments encouraged me to keep going. Often we will be out and about in town, or I will be on the treadmill, or in the shower (where I do my best thinking), and an idea will come to me. I will pause the treadmill, or finish my shower, or send myself an email and come and write for a bit. Just enough to get the idea down and out of my head, then I come back later to expand on the idea.

So, thank you for everyone that has continued to read Random Olio over the last 1-50 posts. I am grateful to you! Feel free to post your comments and feedback anytime. I love hearing from you!

Since it is also Friday, I wanted to share a little fun with you. I watch Ellen and I think her “Dance Dare” is a hoot. Have fun watching her introduction video here:

Enjoy and happy Friday!

2 thoughts on “50 Posts Already!?

  1. Yay for you! Each post is a window into you, and shows such a creative, fun, caring, strong woman. I admire you for your persistence, and I love the view through that window!


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