Moment-by-Moment Choices

We always have this moment, and the next, and the next. We always have the option to decide how to respond and react. We can lash out or respond with poise. We always have a choice. Last week after writing about how Marianne Williamson was running for Congress in California, I continued to research and read about what she has been doing. This led me to finding her blog, and one comment in particular resonated with me:

“We make moment-by-moment decisions what kind of people to be — whether to be someone who blesses, or who blames; someone who obsesses about past and future, or who dwells fully in the present; someone who whines about problems, or who creates solutions. It’s always our choice what attitudinal ground to stand on: the emotional quicksand of negative thinking, or the airstrip of spiritual flight.”

I want to be someone who blesses, dwells in the present, and creates solutions. I can tell you that I sometimes get sucked into the emotional quicksand of negative thinking. Yet, if we make moment-by-moment decisions, then we can fix that negative thinking in the next moment. I saw that last week when I was angry with someone. I really do not like feeling angry. I do not like how it makes my body or my mind feel. It makes me feel off. However, I have a hard time saying I was wrong, or forgiving.

Last week however, I leveraged that moment-by-moment decision-making. I allowed myself to be angry for a few hours, and then I thought, “What a waste!” Sure I am still bummed by what happened, but does it do me any good to be angry? No. So I told this individual that I had forgiven them (well almost). I did it in a way that made me feel like the bigger person (I was not completely ready to let them off the hook).

It was progress though. That is all we have to do each day is make progress in becoming the individual we want to be, to unearth the individual we already are.

2 thoughts on “Moment-by-Moment Choices

  1. I get mired in the muck of negativity when presented with a situation that I certainly don’t want to deal with it. I saw a quote some time ago that keeps coming to forefront during these times. “If you can’t get out of it, get into it.” As superficial as it sounds, when you change your attitude towards a situation (however unpleasant that situation is), the unpleasantness subsides (at least a little bit). And sometimes, those very situations are the ones that open our eyes and allow us to really grow. Thanks for sharing.


    • I don’t think that sounds superficial at all! Changing your attitude is KEY. I agree it always helps us to grow, and really that is what it is all about isn’t it? Thank YOU for sharing.


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