Share your hair?

Emily is my new hero. At 3 she might still be too young to understand cancer, but she already understands what it means to help another individual. When she got her first haircut, she decided (after her parents explained what she could do with her hair) to donate her hair for wigs for those with cancer. Emily agreed to it, as long as her Uncle (a hair stylist) cut her Dolly’s hair first. I love this, I love her, I love listening to her talk. Her parents own FlyPress Films, and decided to film the entire process.

You will love her, her uncle, and her sweet voice as she tells you what she is doing. The background music is also perfect to get you in the mood and maybe, like me, leave little pools in your eyes.

Click here to read more of her story.

2 thoughts on “Share your hair?

  1. Oh. My. Goodness. It’s not uncool to cry as a grown man. I’m a huge supporter of tears from all ages, genders, etc. I will say that it’s not too cool to cry at work. Therefore, I’m doing my best to keep these happy tears from falling out of my twitching eyelids. Dammit, T 🙂

    I love this. Thank you for posting!


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