Chilling PSA to air during the Super Bowl

Over the years I have become more of a fan of football and the plethora of other sports Chris enjoys watching. I usually half-watch/multi-task. Depending on the game I can actually get sucked in and I always watch the Super Bowl. I watch it for the game and I watch it for the one time of year that I actually watch commercials. Some commercials are well crafted and make you laugh and some make you cry. Rarely do you see a commercial that gives you the chills.

This quick commercial gave me the chills. It is actually a PSA for sexual assault and domestic violence. While I have heard for years that Super Bowl Sunday is the one night of the year that has the most domestic violence calls (alcohol, football, aggression, a losing team), the statistics I found online go both ways. Some say that is true and others say it is a hoax. Whether or not it is the worst night of the year, I stand triumphant that is airing this spot to address domestic violence during the Super Bowl.


Chilling, is it not? To think that this is an actual 911 call and the woman was savvy enough to think to call 911 and pretend to order a pizza. You can even hear the man in the background saying “make sure you get a large.” A bit creepy. Not a happy ad, but one that will hopefully make people think about these real issues. GoDaddy, and Pepsi and all the other companies have nothing on this ad.

2 thoughts on “Chilling PSA to air during the Super Bowl

  1. Yes, that ad is truly chilling and sad and hopefully will help prevent some of those calls for help during/after the Super Bowl! The best surprise was that after watching chilling ad, the next pop-up was a Youtube of the Ten Best Super Bowl Ads. Fun to watch, recall, and appreciate the timeless cleverness.


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