Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts

I have been stressed out lately. Lots happening at work. Lots happening at home. Last week I think I hit my limit and decided it was time to shift priorities and re-focus a bit. Then I found this quote, “Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts.”

It got me thinking in a deeper way, maybe feeling stressed is not always a bad thing. So often we try to cram every possible moment of our day full of doing things. Accomplish, accomplish, accomplish. Get it done. I know I often do. A full day of work, a good run, a blog post, more work, oh and somewhere in there is a bit of eating (or a lot depending on the day). That does not sound like too much, and yet some days it is exhausting. Last week I had one of those days. I came home and was wiped out. No run and no work was happening for me. I changed into comfy pajamas and curled up on the couch in front of the plethora of television shows I am behind on for some mind numbing entertainment. My dessert after feeling stressed.

My hope is that each time we are stressed out, it gives us pause to slow down. To look again at our priorities and find out how they can be shifted, changed, and balanced. How can we turn our life from feeling stressed to pampering and taking care of ourselves? Is stress really a way for our bodies and minds to tell us that we have had enough? That it is time for a much-needed break? Or that it is time to pull out the desserts, put our feet up and relax a little?

What do you think?

4 thoughts on “Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts

  1. Love your fresh perspective on “stressed” and I’m wholeheartedly embracing this higher, sweeter view. Taking better care of ourselves leads to taking better care of our loved ones and the “busyness” of our lives. Hoping it’ll lead to guilt-free desserts too!


  2. nice palindrome! and a better metaphor to both..! I often think that being busy both at work and at home are quite different.. I would much rather be busy at work than at home… the stress is different.
    Perhaps I’d rather have my ‘desserts’ at home and be ‘stressed’ at work… lol


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